Hi! I’m Julie Sebby. Some might call this picture unprofessional, but this is the happiest I’ve ever seen myself in a photo. Every time I look at it, I ask myself — Is that how I’m living my life? The answer should always be yes.
The History of Julie Sebby
I grew up in southeast Texas between Houston and Austin on 120 acres riding horses and playing with my dogs. I graduated high school in a class of 16 and went to college at Stephen F. Austin State University. I graduated in a recession and had to gate crash the Texas A&M and University of Houston career fairs to a job. I had 3 job offers. Two of them were for jobs working in call centers for 29k a year. The other job was working with Royal Dutch Shell. I took that job and have worked in the oil and gas industry ever since. I spent 2 years in Houston before moving to Denver and eventually Whitefish, MT.
It didn’t take much time in the workforce to figure out that I LOVE playing with data. It really wasn’t a surprise though. I like to organize things. Spreadsheets make my brain happy in a really weird way.
I’ve worked in a variety of data-oriented spaces including but not limited to spreadsheeting (aka building financial models), Lean projects, master data management, business analysis, dashboarding, reporting, data quality management, analytics, and most recently automation.
I started blogging in 2016 while working for Petro.ai where posting once a week was a job requirement. I remember being terrified that I wouldn’t be able to think of things to write about. In hindsight, that’s hilarious because I could easily make a full-time job out of just writing. Blogging and writing make me better at what I do. You don’t really understand something until you can easily and clearly explain it to other people. The helping other people solve problems part….that is what I love most about writing. And, not only does it make me happy to know I am helping other people, but I can’t tell you how often I reference my own work. Did I write a blog post about this? Surely, I did. Let’s ask the Internet. Yep, sure did…3 years go. That’s how it goes.
In the beginning, I wrote about Spotfire because that was my day-to-day work. Then, we started using Alteryx for data wrangling, so Alteryx worked into the content rotation. Now, I am working with our automation team and work with Power Automate and Power Automate desktop.
I’ve worked remotely for almost 7 years and rotate between Whitefish, MT and Sedona, AZ so I can ride my mountain bike year-round. Currently, I work in the SM Energy Advanced Analytics and Emerging Technology team focusing on robotic process automation with Alteryx, Power Automate, and Power Automate Desktop. I’ve been very involved in deploying self-service analytics and automation within the company. I do challenging work with really great people who also yell at their computers and have ridiculous OCD tendencies.
If you want to connect, please connect or follow me on LinkedIn. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Its nice to meet you, I have a specefic question in spotfire I wish you could help me.
I put a put a property in list box and I assign a property in a drop down list these two expressions:
Revenue (its the name to show) – Expresion ( Sum(If([Origen de los datos]=”BO”,[NET_AFI_REVENUE_PER_ROOM])) as [$ OTB],
In a bar chart it works because I have two expression but I want to choose only one of two custom expresion to kpi chart because send me a message: “multiple continuous expressions are not allowed”. its posible?
Thank u
If you want to choose one of two expressions, I would use a drop down property control with fixed values. Take a look at this post — https://datashoptalk.com/drop-down-property-control-hack/ — It is not exactly what you want to do, but in the Value configuration for Fixed Values, that is where you would put the expression you want to use. So, you have a drop down property control, and the user makes one and only one selection. The property control will then pass thru that specific expression.
Hi Julie
I am trying to create a review state in Spotfire for specific tools (audit and all). I don’t know where to start and perhaps you can help me? Kindest. nina
What do you mean “review state for specific tools”. Can you explain some more about what you are trying to do and what difficulty you are having?