Master NavigatePeriod Node Navigation
This post will wrap up a lengthy discussion of Spotfire’s node navigation methods by explaining how to use NavigatePeriod. Now, you might have noticed, node… Read More »Master NavigatePeriod Node Navigation
This post will wrap up a lengthy discussion of Spotfire’s node navigation methods by explaining how to use NavigatePeriod. Now, you might have noticed, node… Read More »Master NavigatePeriod Node Navigation
This is post 9 in my series on how to learn the Spotfire expression language. It explains the Parent and ParallelPeriod node navigation methods. Originally, I included NavigatePeriod, but NavigatePeriod deserves its own post, so it will follow next week. Read on to learn about Parent and ParallelPeriod node navigation methods.
Read More »Node Navigation – Parent & ParallelPeriodThis is post 8 in my series on learning the Spotfire expression language. We are in the middle of exploring all of the node navigation methods. This post will cover FirstNode, LastNode, LastPeriods, PreviousPeriod and NextPeriod. I’m combining these particular methods in order to differentiate between Node, Period, and Periods. Read on to learn the difference.
Read More »Node Navigation – FirstNode, LastNode, LastPeriods, PreviousPeriod & NextPeriodThis is post 7 in my series on how to learn the Spotfire expression language. In my node navigation post, I explained what a node is, what node navigation is used for, and provided examples. But, I didn’t provide explanations or examples for each method. Now, I will fill that gap by explaining the details of All, Next, Previous, AllNext & AllPrevious. Others to follow.
Read More »Node Navigation – All, Next, Previous, AllNext & AllPreviousAt the end of last week’s post, I promised to continue with examples of all node navigation methods. But, I have decided to wrap up keywords first. Thus, this week’s post will explain how to use the “Then” keyword. Then is incredibly useful in Spotfire because it allows you to specify the order of calculations in an expression. In other words, “calculate this and THEN calculate that”. However, there are a few places you can get tripped up. Read on to learn more.
Read More »Using the Then KeywordThis is post 5 in my series on learning the Spotfire expression language. It will build on the content of the last few weeks and provide a comprehensive understanding of how over, intersect, and node navigation work together. The intersect keyword is the last piece of the puzzle. Read on to learn how it fits in.
Read More »Using the Intersect KeywordThis is the fourth post in my series on learning the Spotfire expression language. Last week, I talked about the over keyword and how it is used to group values in calculations. The next step in the learning process is using node navigation. Once this is second nature, you will be able to create any calculation desired. This week’s post focuses on understanding what node navigation is for and what a node is. Next week, I’ll add complexity and depth to the expressions. Read on to learn more.
Read More »Using Node Navigation in Spotfire